Wisconsin DNR says it will no longer operate major venue at the State Fair

Wisconsin DNR says it will no longer operate major venue at the State Fair

In a move that effectively ends a seven-decades-old tradition of public exhibition that attracted hundreds of thousands of visitors annually, the Department of Natural Resources will no longer operate a major venue at the Wisconsin State Fair in West Allis....

....The DNR had provided a major exhibit on a 2-acre site at State Fair Park since 1948, Wisconsin`s Centennial....

...Hoskins estimated the agency would maintain only about 2% of its former presence at the fair....

Ken Notes: Since I am often critical, I do want it applaud the legislature for the Legislature`s budget committee  rejection of Walker`s plan to eliminate the magazine. The Wisconsin Natural Resources magazine will now be published four times a year.


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- - Volume: 5 - WEEK: 25 Date: 6/19/2017 9:21:03 AM -