Watertown`s Rosy-Lane Holsteins Wins U.S. Dairy Sustainability Award

Watertown`s Rosy-Lane Holsteins Wins U.S. Dairy Sustainability Award

Healthy Cows, Environment Are Focus of Wisconsin Dairy

MADISON, Wis., Oct. 8, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Rosy-Lane Holsteins, a Watertown dairy farm, is the winner of a national award for Outstanding Dairy Farm Sustainability. The award will be presented at the annual U.S. Dairy Sustainability Awards on Monday, Oct. 12, which honors dairy farms, businesses and partnerships whose practices improve the well-being of people, animals and the planet. The Watertown farm is owned by Lloyd and Daphne Holterman and their partners Tim Strobel and Jordan Matthews and is one of three national winners in its category ...

Special Note:

Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin has a directory of Wisconsin cheese companies that offer online cheese shopping. Christmas is just around the corner...


Ken Notes: First congrats, second at 950 milked and 1500+ head on site Rosy-Lane is a perfect candidate for a digestor. I do like their water use policy and commitment to the health of the cows...

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