The Midas Disease: Corruption Puts World In `Mortal Danger,` Author Says

The Midas Disease: Corruption Puts World In `Mortal Danger,` Author Says

Sarah Chayes Offers Advice On How To Combat Corruption She Says Is Running Rampant At Home, Abroad

To help explain corruption in America, Sarah Chayes leans heavy on Greek mythology — namely, the story of King Midas....

...."In today`s world, people afflicted with the Midas disease are touching our waters and our mountains and our forests," she said. "And they`re turning them into gold right there, turning them into zeros in their bank accounts."...

Ken Notes: Interesting read. I would suggest my yoyo effect is as bad or worse than the Midas effect. We create opportunities for businesses to thrive unrestricted and the we create restrictions so intense they take their business to another country and we dive into recession. We need jobs, economic stability, and a protected environment.

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- - Volume: 8 - WEEK: 36 Date: 8/31/2020 8:18:03 AM -