Wisconsin Clean Cities lauds sustainable transportation leaders

Wisconsin Clean Cities lauds sustainable transportation leaders

Clean fuel and vehicle proponents, environmental successes recognized

MILWAUKEE - Wisconsin’s top sustainable transportation leaders were honored Thursday at the Wisconsin Clean Cities 24th Annual Stakeholder Meeting, the nonprofit announced today.

“I continue to be inspired year after year by our members’ commitment to sustainable transportation options,” Wisconsin Clean Cities Executive Director Lorrie Lisek said. “The award winners illustrate how green choices lead to both environmental and economic successes. We applaud them for their efforts.”

Wisconsin Clean Cities, a nonprofit organization serving the entire state of Wisconsin, is one of nearly 100 U.S. Department of Energy Clean Cities coalitions. The coalitions partner with members in the public, private and nonprofit sectors to reduce dependence on imported oil in the transportation sector by promoting the use of alternative fuels and sustainable transportation options, thereby improving air quality, supporting local jobs and strengthening the economy...

...The City of Milwaukee was the overall Sustainable Transportation Champion for its work with multiple fuels and technologies....


Ken Notes: Madison leaders may want to read this article!!

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- - Volume: 6 - WEEK: 50 Date: 12/10/2018 10:24:10 AM -