Saving Sarge is worth the fight

Saving Sarge is worth the fight

There`s a wild wood turtle named Sarge in the Driftless Area, a poster-critter candidate for efforts to protect the Endangered Species Act from changes being proposed by the Trump administration.

He was named by the people who found him on their property along one of the state`s premier cold-water trout streams...

...The biggest threat to wood turtles, according to environmental agency websites, is fragmentation and destruction of habitat. So a key conservation goal is maintaining a buffer strip of natural vegetation (minimum of 100 feet) along the banks of streams and rivers to protect wood turtle habitat. That will also help improve the water quality of the stream. But that can impose unpopular restrictions on development or agriculture along the streams. Hence there is economic pressure to reduce restrictions associated with endangered species protections. The same dynamic is true in proposals for protection of other species. The fight over protections for the greater sage grouse that affect energy projects come to mind....


Ken Notes: Wouldn`t it be cool if we could get a buffer strip along all our streams and rivers. Even a few feet would help. No mow, no crop, some low impact trails, and runoff management encouraged.

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- - Volume: 6 - WEEK: 39 Date: 9/24/2018 9:10:39 AM -