Conservation groups urge appeals court to let novel frac sand challenge proceed

Conservation groups urge appeals court to let novel frac sand challenge proceed

Conservationists and a prominent property rights advocate have weighed in with the Wisconsin appeals court on behalf of Jackson County landowners who sued to block a proposed frac sand operation.

The Wisconsin Court of Appeals is considering a case brought by three families who sued AllEnergy Sand of Des Moines to stop the $130 million project on the grounds it would create a nuisance...


Ken Notes: If this fails, we may have to address this on two fronts. One, gain a seat at the table by running for county boards or supporting candidates who will consider restrictions and controls on the mines. Two, look at policy that the state can not over ride that will make both existing and potential new mines more responsible. I like weight restrictions or axle/weight taxes, noise ordinances, dust restrictions, well permits, reclamation funds, and more....

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- - Volume: 6 - WEEK: 11 Date: 3/12/2018 10:03:58 AM -